National Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate
National Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate
Are you interested in obtaining the National Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate from the Digital Government Authority?
If so, you’ve come to the right place!
What is the National Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate?
This certificate is granted to outstanding government entities that excel in implementing the national model for enterprise architecture maturity standards. This model consists of five levels of maturity (build, develop, operate, integrate, and improve).

RMG offers specialised consulting services to assist you in obtaining this important certificate.
Criteria that government entities must meet to obtain accreditation
The National Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate consists of five levels of maturity, and government entities must fulfil all specified requirements for each level to obtain the certificate.
Here is a list of the criteria that government entities must meet to obtain accreditation:
- Build Level:
Establish and implement the enterprise architecture framework.
Define enterprise architecture components.
Collect and analyse data related to the enterprise architecture.
- Develop Level:
Enhance and expand the enterprise architecture framework.
Develop enterprise architecture reports.
Measure performance and compliance.
- Operate Level:
Operate and maintain the enterprise architecture framework.
Manage changes in the enterprise architecture.

Contact us now
With our extensive experience and expert team, we are here to help you assess and improve the maturity of your enterprise architecture.
Benefits of Accreditation
1-Obtaining the accreditation certificate can assist organizations in achieving a variety of goals, including those supported by the National Enterprise Architecture Methodology (NORA).
2-Successful coverage of the enterprise architecture axis standards in the digital transformation measurement programe.
3-Establishment of a solid enterprise architecture office.
4-Improved efficiency of spending and enhancement of financial and operational impact reports.
5-Effective management of the enterprise architecture office.

An efficient enterprise architecture office will help you enhance your organization's performance and achieve your strategic goals.
Renad Al-Majd is your ideal partner to assist with this. Please get in touch without delay.
Tips for Organisations Seeking Accreditation:
- Start Early
Obtaining the National Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate requires time and effort, so it's important to start the assessment process early to allow sufficient time for necessary improvements.
- Build a Strong Team
Your team should have knowledge and expertise in enterprise architecture, so it's essential to build a strong team of internal stakeholders and consulting experts.
- Leverage Consultancy Experience
Consultancy experience can help identify areas in need of improvement and guide the implementation of necessary changes.
Contact us immediately
Begin your journey to excellence now with Renad Al-Majd to obtain the Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate
How RMG Can Help You Obtain Accreditation:
in establishing the Enterprise Architecture Office.
Providing consulting services
for operating the Enterprise Architecture Office
in implementing the National Enterprise Architecture Methodology (NORA).
Readiness Assessment
Readiness is assessed and its alignment with the standards is determined, followed by the establishment of Service Level Agreements (SLA).
Initial Assessment
The aim of the assessment is to determine the maturity level of enterprise architecture practises within your organisation.
Consultancy Support and Final Assessment
Consultancy workshops are conducted with each package to clarify requirements and provide relevant standards and evidence.

Start your journey towards excellence now with Renad Al-Majd to obtain the Enterprise Architecture Accreditation Certificate.
Contact us immediately.